I'm sure this is just a winter trend, but as the outside temperature goes down, I am more inclined to have things baking in the oven, or my home filled with the smell of a delicious stew or soup. My Mum (I'm Australian!) used to make huge pots of pumpkin soup and I remember my brother eating bowls and bowls to fuel a growth spurt he had when he was 14 (in my memory he grew like a foot in a week!)
(don't want to read the boring stuff? click here for the recipe!)
Heat and curry give foods body and comfort, I'm by no means saying you need to have your face melting off and break out a sweat when you eat this soup, but even if you don't like hot food add a tiny bit of curry powder, and see what it does for the dish. Trust me you won't regret it.
Check out the nutritional info for the recipe - its no joke! This foods a great binge-recovery dish to cook, because it offers so much volume relative to the nutrients and caloric content. Sometimes when you're cold you just want to sit on the couch and eat and eat - and with this soup you can do it guilt free!
I want to make some videos on binge eating because theres a victimhood attitude towards it in the online weight loss community - often it is decided that its a disorder and self diagnosed then it perpetuates a lack of responsibility which frankly infuriates me! its like blaming your obesity on your genetics. Being successful in weight loss means acknlowledging your issues with food and undoing years and years of bad habits, not diagnosing yourself with disorders so that you can shift the blame.
I know its hard. I know you feel out of control, but the label "I have binge eating disorder" makes things worse, not better. Instead of focusing on the negatives, work on your relationship with food by turning it from something you fear into something you love and enjoy - make the damn soup!
Spicy Pumpkin Soup Makes 8 Servings Serving: 1.5 cup yield, 109 cal, 2 fat, 23 carb, 2 protein 1 Butternut squash(butternut pumpkin if you are Aussie!) 1 large onion 3 medium carrots, 2 cups chicken stock* 1tbsp olive oil 2tsp minced garlic 1tsp dried ginger 0.5tsp cayenne pepper (adjust for spice preference!) 1.5 tbsp curry powder (adjust for spice preference!) salt and pepper Cut carrots and pumpkin into even cubes, the larger the cube, the longer the cooking time. Roughly dice the onion. In a soup pot heat up 1tbsp of oil and cook onion until beginning to brown, roughly 2 mins. Add garlic and cook a furthur minute, then add pumpkin, carrot, stock and water to cover. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are soft (aproximately 30 mins). Using a immersion blender, or pureeing batches of the slightly cooled soup in a blender, puree the soup, adding more water to achieve desired consistency. Add curry powder, cayenne pepper then taste for heat. Then add salt and pepper and taste for seasoning. To serve, garnish with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper Substitutions** Use Vegetable stock or none at all to make vegan |
Love life and your body!
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