Friday, 7 November 2014

Baked Tomatoes with Bread Crumb topping

These were so good and so fast and easy! makes a great subsitute to a baked potato in a tradditional meat and two veg arrangement!

(don't want to read the boring stuff? click here for the recipe!)

I'm not much of a snacker, If im peckish I'll have coffee, diet soda or eat a whole meal. These tomatoes could totally be made as a snack but the easy prep and fresh tasty ingredients make them a very satisfying little bite! I can just imagine a nice rare steak (sorry vegetarians!) served with these and asparagus.. mmhmm!

I know it seems like alot of ingredients but the prep is so easy and you can use whatever herbs you have in your fridge.. even dry herbs!

In other news..

My boyfriend and I took the puppy down to see the salmon swimming and we took this selfie using a "selfie tripod" how cool is that! I'm sure we looked like dorks to everyone else haha!

My boyfriend and I did alot of hiking together this past summer and when the weather gets warmer (and the puppy gets older) we are so excited to get back into it. Im even thinking about buying him some nice hiking boots for christmas but it might be painful having to wait so long before we get to use them.

These colder months its hard to keep fit and healthy - trust me, I know! I just try to do my best to capitalize on the few sunny days we have and get my butt into the gym on most days. Even being cold can be a motivator to jump on the treadmill and get warmed up!

I feel like im back on the upswing when it comes to my own motivations. I had alot a huge life changes happen this past year and its been really difficult to focus on my health and ive just been working out from necessity not passion for at least the past 6 months. We all have stagnant periods in our lives but boy am I glad to be feeling motivation, to be pumped to go workout and to feel antsy instead of relieved when my workout plans are interrupted.

Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and focus on whats most important at a given time and its okay to not make progress and even slide back a little - as long as you never give up!

Baked Tomatoes with Bread Crumb Topping
Makes 8 tomato halves
Serving: 2 halves, 126cal, 7fat, 14carb, 3protein

4 Roma tomatoes
1.5 Tbsp olive oil
5 Tbsp Panko Breadcrumbs*
2 tsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp Ground Flax seeds*
4 Tbsp chopped onion
1 tbsp chopped Italian parsley*
2 stalk rosemary leaves chopped*
2 tsp chopped basil leaves*
2 tsp crushed garlic

Cut in half and scoop out tomatoes. Season generously with salt and pepper and set aside (any fluid that accumulates in the tomatoes while they are resting can be mopped up with a paper towel, they do not have to be completely dry)

Cross chop herbs and onion until they are very fine (not a paste!)

In a bowl mix olive oil, chopped herbs and onion, lemon juice, flax, breadcrumbs and garlic

Spoon an equal amount of breadcrumb mixture into each tomato half and bake at 400degrees for 20 minutes or until bread crumbs are crispy and tomatoes are softened.

Use any breadcrumbs you have
If you dont want to use flax substitute the quantity with more breadcrumbs
All the fresh herbs in this recipe can be substituted with 1tbsp your choice of dried herbs, I recommend greek or italian herb blend

Love life and your body!


Enjoy this recipe? help me out and give it a share!

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